Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Home Grown

This year Kevin and I decided that we would try to grow our own vegetable garden! I have always wanted to try to grow some veggies, but wasn't sure if I would be able to give the TLC needed to grow a fruitful garden. I grew up eating fresh veggies out of my Grand-daddy's garden and there is no comparison to something fresh out of the ground, especially when you work hard for it! 

When my mom was diagnosed with a recurrence of ovarian cancer I decided it was definitely time to try to eat more clean and fresh. Thus putting all the procrastination aside and getting the garden in action! Here's to the beginning of our eating clean and healthy.

I'm so excited about my (I mean our :)) garden now and it gets bigger and bigger everyday. Not only is it going to be healthier for us, it is also going to save us a ton of money! I started everything from a seed and most of the seeds I got at Dollar Tree. The others I got at Wal-Mart and they only cost me about $1.50. Kevin builds houses so we fortunatly had access to cedar boards to build the garden box and an abundance of top soil.  We only had to spend about $25 total for this garden! The garden consists of green beans, squash, zucchini, okra, cucumber, tomato, jalapeno and habanero peppers. I know we will have an abundance and will either have to freeze some things and/or give them away! We will definitely get our moneys worth out of it!  Now I can't wait for some scrumptious veggies!!!

Here are some pictures of the progression of the garden for your pleasure! I hope this might inspire you to start your own garden adventure and to eat cleaner and healthier foods that haven't been drenched in pesticides and miracle grow!  Happy Tuesday!

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